domingo, 25 de enero de 2015

Cleanliness in Thailand

I heard many times about the chinese people is very dirty, and actually i´ve lived and however
i am not in China here in Thailand have some similarities.

First of all, the cleaning standards are diferents here, what mean that? Is simple, the dirtness for a Spanish person surely here is not so much. I´m going to write about cleanliness in the streets, public places because anybody is different in his own home also i have to say i didn´t knew anybody as my mum so, my point of view could be special, otherwise I know my mum is not the standard cleanliness in hole world but also i am not my mum.

When I walk for the streets of Udon Thani sometimes i think, stinks, and is not just my thinking, really stinks, in some points of the city, sewers surely don´t have the most drainage perfectly system because here nobody care about that things, or look like that, maybe that smell is because the hotness at the day time, 8 hours by day, really i could imagine that same smell in my city if the weather was as here.

I show you a example about the cleanliness in the home, tu have some garbage in your home, and in front you have some container for throw in, obviously here don´t exist recycling, forget about that, here garbage is garbage, the only one exception is about the plastic bottles, in many places you will find a different plastic bag and that is because can sell. Then try to imagine that garbage outdoor with the sun on, let that a few hours and there you have a stink following you around whatever you go, because the garbage is in the front of the houses so is difficult evade that smell. I have to say too, tha garbage in the morning have dissapeared, but the smell still there, dirtyness? Every one of you have to judge that, for example sometimes when i come to the mall, i see a siluete, and is only that, a siluete, a different color glued in the ground and every day i think the same, that is a rat or better say, that was a rat, have a lot of that siluetes around all the city, actually i think that could be in all the country, so, that service for clean the streets doesn´t exist yet.

Explained that point, now i will talk about indoor, well, look like a if the clean is outdoor where the governemt could do is where we can find the dirtyness easily but otherwise if that bathroom is part of a private property then that situation change, here the people clean, and clean a lot. I can say the mall bathrooms are the most clean i saw in all my whole life, down can see what i am talking about, in restaurants is exactly the same, actually one of that person you see in the staff the only job have to do is take care of the restrooms, almost i forget, in the bathrooms normally have some liquid disinfectant for clean the toilet before you seat down.

Can eat inside the restrooms, awesome.!!

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